Sport and health: What are the benefits of physical activity?
First of all, let it be said, there is no age to get into sport!
The physical activity is not only a very effective way to lose weight and maintain her figure slender and toned. In addition to a healthy and balanced diet, it is also a great ally for your immune system and your general well-being . The intensive or regular practice of a sport helps prevent many chronic, mental, and / or age-related diseases.
The benefits of sport on health
Let's take a closer look at the benefits of physical activity on your body and your overall quality of life.
What physical activity to practice?
To begin with , it is important to review what it means to be physically active , and whether some sports are more appropriate than others.
Indeed, when choosing your activity, the choice available to you is particularly wide.
However, please note that, unless there are contraindications related to your physical condition (pregnancy , specific disability, specific disorders), all sports are beneficial to your body: jogging, swimming, bodybuilding, team sports, home aerobics ... It's up to you you decide according to your preferences. The important thing is to devote at least 30 minutes each day , and this activity is adapted to your age and your physical capacity, otherwise you will generate nothing but frustration.
Among the most popular sports activities , walking is a favorite. Indeed, not only does it fit perfectly into your daily activities, but it is extremely easy, in the sense that it does not require any hardware. For its part, bodybuilding is also a very effective activity to maintain muscle mass, and therefore an irreproachable silhouette. It must be known, in fact, that the damage of time is considerable; at age 30, we lose on average 0.5% of our muscle mass per year.
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